Wednesday, February 6, 2013

On to Pretoria

All aboard the Rovos train!! I love train travel and this is to be our second, long distance train trip. This however, will be slightly different than our trip across the Rockies last August as this time we will actually be sleeping on board, in our Pullman berth. Our five night and six day journey will take us from Cape Town to Victoria Falls via Pretoria.



We have spent one night on board and there are two things that strike my attention. Firstly, the vastness of this country from the mountains and vineyards in the lowvelt to the vast open spaces and plains in central South Africa which go on and on and on. Secondly,the service, amenities as well as food and drink are way beyond expectation. Different South African wines served with each course let alone each meal is a real treat and experience as the pre-selected wine parings really know how to tempt and satisfy the palate. The food and its presentation is unparalleled. Sitting in the exquisitely appointed dining car with white linens, silver cutlery and professional service is self indulgence not often experienced. Oh, and did I mention the window views from both our dining room table and Pullman suite are wonderful. No need for HD television here.


I sit back and write this entry from the lounge car. With the bright sunlight streaming in, I am swallowed up by the huge lounge chair, trying to fight off the gentle roll of the train as it tries to lull me to sleep.


I'll be heading back to the observation car for a pre dinner drink and a glowing sunset across the African plains. That will probably be followed by a short nap before dressing for dinner and once again over indulging. Ah train travel. It is the best!

I'll have to admit, one of the highlights for me was when the old steam engine showed up and hitched on to all of the carriages. Being a kid again. Women just don't feel the same about trains as men do.


1 comment:

  1. WOW !

    The older modes of transport are always the best if of course everything is still in working order.

    I'm sure all those rail cars have been refurbished for that rustic antiquated look.

    Was your hangover antiquated ?

