Friday, February 1, 2013

Naturally Ngorongoro

Jambo! 2.6 million years ago, an active volcano used to dominate this region. Now a 600 metre deep and 20 km. crater is called home to thousands and thousands of wildlife and birds. This natural habitat is its own unique micro ecosystem. The animals have no need to migrate as the surrounding rain forest and environs provide all that is necessary to sustain year long viability. Surrounded by the Maasai people herding their cattle, leaves little doubt as to the uniqueness of what we are experiencing. The expansive vista from our balcony leaves us in awe as to the beauty of this region, not only for us but for all visitors.


We have had many highlights so far on our adventure, and this one certainly qualifies right up there at the top of our list. Our safari is sadly coming to its conclusion but there are many more adventures before us as we head to Arusha, then onto Nairobi tomorrow and Capetown South Africa the following day. Stay tuned. More to come in the not too distant future.

It would be remiss of me not to mention our wonderful driver/guides. Euticus' who held our hands and took care of us in Kenya and Adam who looked out and watched over us in Tanzania. Their knowledge and running commentary was outstanding as was their passion and professionalism. A true credit to their company. Many, many thanks!!

Finally, I would like to say a fond farewell to our new friends and travel companions. Brad, Cheryl, Linda and Lorraine made a great safari itinerary into a wonderful life experience. We will think of you often and miss you. Thank you for your friendship!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ian,

    Your last batch of pix has a lion looking forlorn, lonely and unaccompanied. Something not right with that pict. You sure rest of day went ok ?


  3. Ian,

    Re: "It has been virtually impossible to download anything over the past week with riding the rails and a third world internet system in Zimbabwe."

    Didn't know that there's worst internet service than that being provided for those poor saps living in and around Elgin!

    Ya, as mentioned that travel medium is very romantic and austere as long as things keep moving and working.

    Obviously locals don't share same rail lines.

