Sunday, February 3, 2013

Capetown, Camps Bay and Robben Island

Cape Town is as vibrant as it is far away from home. This modern metropolis is the polar opposite of the third world we have just come from.  We have just completed our ritual hop on hop off bus tour of the city and surrounding areas. Absolutely stunning!!  Should anyone be given the opportunity to re locate here…….TAKE IT!!  The nearby coastal towns of Camps Bay, Clifton, Bantry Bay and Boats Bay are picture post card perfect. If not for the 10 to 14 degree Celsius water temperature in summer, I would seriously consider winter grazing here.

Yesterdays walking tour of the Victoria and Alfred waterfront was serious people watching and the street entertainment is unparalleled. Our ferry ride to Robben Island to visit the prison where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years along with many other political prisoners, including our tour guide, was very insightful in bringing forth some of the tumultuous history of this very complicated society.
We were unable to visit Table Mountain on this visit as the cable car was not running due to high winds but we will be back here in a week or so and will have a second opportunity to take in the vistas.

Last night’s dinner overlooking the harbour was one of those meals which will forever remain engraved in our memories. Accommodation may be expensive but the dinner setting accompanied by the excellent food and drink is extremely affordable. Dinner for two including drinks, appetizers, entrées, dessert, coffee and a bottle of South African Chardonnay was a grand total of approximately $75 including all taxes.

As I write this we are sitting in a lovely park tea garden soaking up the lush greenery, sculptures, soft busker music, warm breezes and bright sunlight. Wonderful Sunday spent here in Cape Town. Tomorrow we leave on our train journey for Victoria Falls. Should be fun!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful,

    Strange I always thought of Capetown as a sprawling western like metropolis. Not a seaside resort kind of town.

    Do you feel that 'apartheid' is a thing of the past or still in evidence?

