Friday, January 18, 2013

I Once Had A Farm in Africa

Jambo ( Swahili for hello) from Nairobi, Kenya. One equipment failure, two delayed departures, three airports and 24 hours later we arrived exhausted but safe!

Prior to our arrival, the thought of terrorism had crossed my mind, but only for a fleeting moment. However the precautionary steps to prevent terrorism are prevalent everywhere. Taxis are searched and trunks are opened. Telescopic mirrors are used to look under all taxis approaching hotel drop off points and the vehicle barriers to entry points are formidable enough to keep out a Sherman tank. Armed guards, xray machines and metal detectors prior to entering a hotel reception lobby are standard issue. Somewhat intimidating but the reality of the situation is underlined by our taxi driver, taking us by the former US Embassy site which no longer exists due to a terrorist attack in 1998 which killed 300 people and leveled the building which is now occupied by a memorial park.

On a brighter note it was off to the farm which Karen Bixton of “Out of Africa” fame, established in 1917 after having arrived from Denmark three years prior. A fascinating life story of how she and her beloved Kikuyu people tried in vain to establish a coffee plantation with little success. Robert Redford and Meryl Streep starred in this film classic which was filmed on location with the gentle and soft spoken people of Kenya.

We meet our four travelling companions today and start our two week safari tomorrow.
Kwaheri (Swahili for goodbye)





  1. Very nice.

    Are you using &Beyond ?


  2. Sounds like a tiring trip but were sure the trip will be worth it. Good travels and keep up the good work on your blog.

    The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience."
    ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
